How to Form a Chapter at Your University


First, find three friends who are student members of the Society For Biomaterials and one faculty member who is an Active member of the Society.

Then, write up a constitution that agrees with the National Student Section's objectives; a fill-in-the-blank version is available below.

Next, elect or appoint officers according to your constitution and bylaws.

Finally, send a list of your officers, members, and faculty advisor along with a copy of your constitution and bylaws to the Society For Biomaterials Headquarters office for approval by the Student Section Bylaws Chair. Following approval, the chapter will be recognized as active and will be listed on the SFB website on the following page:…

National Student Chapter Objectives and Goals

  • to encourage the development, dissemination, integration, and utilization of knowledge in biomaterials
  • to promote student research and education in biomaterials and related disciplines
  • to promote the advancement of biomaterials research and education and its related aspects
  • to further the aims and objectives of the Society For Biomaterials as they relate to student research and education
  • to identify students' interest in biomaterials
  • to generate student and faculty interest and interaction in biomaterials
  • to aid the efficiency of students seeking research opportunities

Selecting a Faculty Advisor

When selecting an advisor, find a faculty member who is an active member of the Society and will have the time to devote to your Student Chapter. Discuss with the potential advisor what is required of them, their duties, and the time commitment involved. Be open and honest with the potential advisor about the types of activities in which the Chapter may participate.

How to Engage with Your Faculty Advisor

  • Be clear and open about your expectations for your advisor's role
  • Notify the advisor of all meetings and events
  • Consult your advisor in the planning of all activities
  • Consult them before any changes in the structure of the organization, or in the policies of the organization are made, and before major projects are undertaken
  • Discuss any problems or concerns with the advisor
  • Acknowledge that the advisor's time and energy are donated and express appreciation

New Student Chapter Application

SFB New Chapter Bylaws Guide
Student Chapter Activity Ideas